Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Room: Before and After

I finally finished painting my room!! It was a grueling process, but it feels soooooo much more like home now!

This is what it looked like before:

This is what it looks like now:

There's still a lot to do. I'm going to spray paint the green shelf and add some decorations and hopefully a rug. But at least the painting is done!

That's what I've done this weekend. It feels very good to be finished. I slept in the morning (for the first time in 3 weeks!) and have had a nice relaxing day. Me and Laurelle strolled through the market this afternoon and bought fruit and some random snacks. I can ask people how much something is, and most of the time understand the answer in Thai. I can also ask what something is, although getting the Thai word for it doesn't always tell me a lot. There's a really sweet lady named Dang right at the beginning of the market who has become a very dear friend. I stop and talk every time I'm on my way out or in. She teaches me Thai words and we talk about her daughters that are in college. She works all day everyday to put them through school. Everyone tells me I speak very good Thai because I can repeat words exactly like they say them (it's a tonal language...eek!), but the problem is, 10 minutes later, I forget how to say it! Maybe I'll learn it... we'll see.
I came home and did laundry and planned on working, but fell asleep instead! Now there is much work to do, so I have to go get started.
More updates and pictures to come...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh your room looks so good! I have a little something I've been working on for your room, but I'm not finished yet ... hopefully I'll be able to send it soon!