There is a national children's day here in Thailand, and to celebrate, we had a games day a few Fridays ago. We took the second half of the afternoon and just had fun! (well... most of us. some of the 6th graders are too cool for games.) It started out with an incredible work out to LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE,led by Mrs. Andrea and I. Needless to say, it was AWESOME! We threw in some sprinkler action and some crazy kicks, and of course jumping jacks. After we had them all riled up (except for the 6th graders) we introduced the need for cheers. We had one of our own made up as an example. Being math teachers and all, it went something like this:
x2 x1 lets go and have some fun
x6 x8 make sure that you’re not late
x3 x4 we are gonna beat your score
x5 x10 we’re the team that’s here to win!
I got the awesome rhyming/cheer creating skills from my mom, you should hear some of her stuff!
So then the groups (blue team, green team, and orange team) got together and had to come up with a cheer. I was on the orange team, yes, the 5th and 6th graders who didn't really want to participate. SO I figured I would make up a cheer for them that was semi-odd and have them do it. It went a little like this,
Orange, Orange, lets go orange. We're gonna will, and you'll be sorange... like sorry! (NOTHING rhymes with orange, really!).
Then we split up and went to different stations. We had the relay station, the pick up marbles with chop-sticks station, the find the gummy bears hidden in flour with one finger station, and the follow the leader (Mr. Ben) station. It was rather exciting, and lots of disciplining on my part, but fun nonetheless. When you're with a group of kids that are too cool, the best thing you can do is act like a crazy fool, which of course I did. It was fun.
After all of the stations, we had a water game. The kids had to pass cups of water down the line and pour it into a bucket that was situated on top of my head. One the water reached a certain line, they dump it on your head. First team to dump it wins. I think we got that one. We ended with a crazy intense water fight that lasted the rest of the day.
All in all I would say it was a success. There is still talk amongst the students about how crazy and energetic Miss Liz is.
Here are some pictures, thanks to Satta, of the day:
You got your "crazy foolness" from me!!!!! I am so proud of you!!!
It wasn't supposed to be anonymous!!! It was supposed to be from your mamma
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