Friday, January 14, 2011

Better late than never.... Christmas videos

Here is the video from the Christmas program. We did a performance to the 12 Days of Christmas. It's quite blurry because of the heat of the lights, but you can at least see how cute my kids are. And yes, Belle, the partridge, jumped on my back all 12 times... I was the pear tree.

Untitled from Elizabeth Dawson on Vimeo.

Here are a few videos of the kindergarteners... They were super cute!

Untitled from Elizabeth Dawson on Vimeo.

Untitled from Elizabeth Dawson on Vimeo.

Untitled from Elizabeth Dawson on Vimeo.

And last, but not least, the staff dance

Untitled from Elizabeth Dawson on Vimeo.

Thanks for watching!


Unknown said...

Those are great! You did such a good job with the 12 days of Christmas one ... it made me tear up a little!

I bet you choreographed the staff dance didn't you?!


ElizabethMcPhail said...

haha, actually yes and no. We got the choreography off of a youtube video. I learned it and then taught it to everyone else. It took hours! But it was lots of fun!