Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It's been an amazing few days here at Asha Mission. We've gone to Pizza Hut, had the AIM team over for church, and had a fun birthday celebration today with cake, pop corn, balloons, and games. We are all having so much fun!! It is difficult to think about leaving in 2 days, yet exciting at the same time. I've always wanted to travel around India. We leave Thursday on a night train bound for Varanasi. In Varanasi we are staying with an Austrailian missionary couple who run a hostel for the spirtual seekers that come through India's most holy city. We hope to encourage them and help out in whatever way we can, while also seeing the sights of the 'city of lights'. On Saturday night we get on another night train and arrive Sunday in Calcutta. In Calcutta we are working with Calcutta Mercy Ministries (there is a link to their website on my first post). The 4 girls I am with are nurses and will be working in the hopsital. I am not sure what I will be doing, but I know there are plenty of opportunities to serve, especially since we will be the only volunteers there at this time. After 3 weeks in Calcutta we will get on another night train headed to Darjeeling in the great Himilayan mountains! We will spend 4 days there sight-seeing and debriefing out time. Then we will return to what we now consider home, and spend the remainder of our time with these beautiful children. We are going to have a huge Christmas party and there are more birthdays coming up that will be celebrated as well.
Sorry this is so brief and lacking detail. I have so many stories I would like to share but am currently lacking the time and energy. I will post more as soon as the traveling days are over. In the meantime, enjoy some pictures from the last few days :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh I love all the pictures - thanks for posting! I miss you!

P.S. - I see a very familiar shirt in some of those pictures :)