Saturday, June 14, 2008

Father's Day

I have loved all of the traveling that I have been able to do over the summers, but one downside is that I always miss Father's Day and my dad's birthday. So... I thought I would take this opportunity to say a few of the wonderful things I love about my dad :) (of course he is MY dad, so I'm a bit bias)

My dad is my hero. He's the best guy that I know. He is one of the hardest working people that I know and has always taken care of me. I have never been in need. (A great example of our heavenly father!). He has such a friendly and understanding spirit and is loved by employers and his customers... they consider them his friend. We have even hung out with some of them on vacations! He has such a compassionate and forgiving heart, a living example of a love that keeps no record of wrongs. He has been such an example for me simply by the way that he lives his life. He is such a great leader for our family as well. We have so much fun when we are together, which is rare now so it makes it that much more special. Some of the best times I can remember have been had with my family, and it's not just because I have to say that :P It's quite true. If you have ever gotten to hang out with my family you know how much fun (although slightly crazy) it can be.

Happy Father's Day dad!! I LOVE YOU!!!


mrs dawson said...

Liz you made me cry my eyeballs out!! I love you so much and miss you. I am praying for you everyday!I am so proud of you. Dakota says hi. love mom

Ashley said...

Wow - way to show the rest of us up all the way from Thailand! :) I just mailed my card today - haha! Praying for you - Ashley