Friday, November 12, 2010

Pie in the face.... for a good cause

The 6th grade class here at GES has been having various fundraisers throughout the year. There is a guy who used to teach here, Mr. Matt, who has since moved to Cambodia and opened an orphanage. Jenelle, the 6th grade teacher, is going there for Christmas, so her class is raising money to send to the orphanage. It's been really neat to see the ideas they come up with for fundraisers. They've had movie days, a haunted house, pizza sales at lunch, and more that I can't remember. But the most creative so far has been a ticket sale to pie your teacher in the face. On Friday all of the students that bought tickets got the chance to pie us in the face, although there's not really pie here, it was more like a plate of homemade whipped cream. What was even worse was that it was warm, so it was like being hit in the face with thick warm sour milk. It was kind've gross, but the kids had a great time! I was one of the lucky ones that got away with only 3, but other teachers sold out at 25... they were troopers!
Here are pictures from the momentous afternoon:

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